房地产-住宅房地产引导 5网站模板

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shoppingBag 销售: 159


创建: 2018年9月25日

更新: 2024年1月9日

ID: 73337

og体育首页ONE -无限下载 $13.25/mo

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房地产-住宅房地产引导 5网站模板 - Features Image 1房地产-住宅房地产引导 5网站模板 - Features Image 2房地产-住宅房地产引导 5网站模板 - Features Image 3房地产-住宅房地产引导 5网站模板 - Features Image 4房地产-住宅房地产引导 5网站模板 - Features Image 5房地产-住宅房地产引导 5网站模板 - Features Image 6房地产-住宅房地产引导 5网站模板 - Features Image 7房地产-住宅房地产引导 5网站模板 - Features Image 8房地产-住宅房地产引导 5网站模板 - Features Image 9房地产-住宅房地产引导 5网站模板 - Features Image 10房地产-住宅房地产引导 5网站模板 - Features Image 11房地产-住宅房地产引导 5网站模板 - Features Image 12房地产-住宅房地产引导 5网站模板 - Features Image 13房地产-住宅房地产引导 5网站模板 - Features Image 14


住宅房地产网站模板提供现代经纪人 & 具有强大的房地产中介推广工具. Nowadays, many agencies rely a lot on their websites to sell or rent new properties. While some companies aim to build a website themselves, others hire web developers. 由于显而易见的原因,后者是一种昂贵的方法. Especially if you run a small or medium business in the real estate sphere.

然而,总有另一种选择. 我们建议充分利用网站模板的优势. They have lots of benefits in comparison with websites built from scratch. HTML模板价格合理,易于修改,而且通常是通用的. The best solution is to pick a template that fits your sphere of business. Our team has developed the 房地产 HTML template designed to meet the needs of your company.


该模板提供了一系列好处. 首先,它有一个惊人的和干净的设计. 它的配色方案是为了吸引人们的注意. 尽管如此,它还是强调了你网站最重要的部分. Our residential real estate website template also offers an informative layout. 它是基于引导 5和完全响应. Besides, our template offers these great features after the installation:

  1. W3C有效 & SEO-ready编码;
  2. 谷歌地图 & 谷歌字体;
  3. CSS3动画 & 转换;
  4. 跨浏览器支持;
  5. 详细的文档;
  6. 专业支持.

更多的over, the 房地产 template has a range of other benefits you'll appreciate. For example, we have implemented various forms to make website interaction simple. 此外,该解决方案还提供了一系列页眉和页脚. 它们提供了有效且易于使用的导航. 该模板还提供了大量的内容块选择. With them, you can post any kind of content and promote your properties the right way.


Now, let's talk about the pages of this residential real estate website template. The template itself is multipage meaning that it includes a wide set of pre-designed pages. They allow you to represent your real estate agency and show its advantages. For example, you can tell the story of your agency with the 关于我们 page. Also, with a range of 箴perty pages, promoting new properties becomes easy. And an efficient 搜索 system implemented throughout the template will help your customers.

To top all this, our developers have also added the UI elements kit to this HTML template. 它包括各种类型的按钮、进度条、表格、表单等. 这些元素和其他元素将帮助您丰富模板的外观. 更多的over, these elements are well-styled and are integrated throughout the template. 如果你是一个开发者, you will certainly benefit from using these easy-to-edit elements on your client's website.



  • UPD:引导到5.3.2;
  • 乌利希期刊指南:波普尔.j到2.11.8;
  • UPD:盗贼到8.4.6;
  • 修复:CSS样式;
  • 修复:小错误修复.


  • UPD:引导到5.2.0;
  • 乌利希期刊指南:波普尔.j到2.11.5;
  • UPD: Jquery到3.6.0;
  • Jquery迁移到3.3.2;
  • Jquery表单到4.3.0;
  • 修复:CSS样式;
  • 修复:小错误修复.


  • UPD:引导到5.0.1;
  • 乌利希期刊指南:波普尔.j到2.9.2;
  • 修复:CSS样式;
  • 修复:小错误修复.


  • UPD: SCSS优化;
  • UPD:脚本更新;
  • FIX:项目结构;
  • 修复:小错误修复.


  • 添加:PageTransition插件v1.1.4;
  • UPD:将框架引导到v4.4.1;
  • UPD: RD导航栏为2.2.5;
  • UPD:猫头鹰旋转木马插件到v2.3.4;
  • 修正:轻微的HTML和CSS错误.


  • 修复:小错误修复.


  • jQuery Count To改为Counter;
  • UPD: jQuery Circle 箴gress已更改为progrescircle;
  • UPD:时间循环已更改为倒计时;
  • UPD: Preloader Plugin;
  • UPD:物质化视差插件;
  • UPD:光画廊插件;
  • UPD: RD邮箱插件;
  • UPD:偏移系统已经改变;
  • 修复:拼写检查修复;
  • 修复:标记修复;
  • 修复:小错误修复.


Where to even begin with reviewing this simple yet effective website template by ZEMEZ. Although the template is called 房地产 - Residential 房地产 网站 Template, it can easily be modified in a manner in order to accommodate just about any type of topic, 这正是我们对模板所做的吗. The code was clean and efficient, as is the aesthetics of the template as a whole.
Хороший макет для сайта по недвижимости. Есть все нужные страницы, гриды, таблицы, галереи...
Excelente planilla, muy completa y facil de utilizar, con todo lo necesario.
非常好的模板,灵活和做得很好. 我们公司正在用它来做生意.
模板设计得非常好. 颜色柔和,平衡. 留白的使用已经很有效了. HTML编码有很好的组织和结构. Applying changes to the existing code will be easy for anyone with a little bit of HTML coding knowledge. 总的来说, a highly recommended template for a basic 房地产 website for startups or 房地产 companies / agents who want to set up a website quickly and without much hassle.





4.4 /5
支持度评分(563年评级) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 436 4 37 3 14 2 6 1 70
响应时间: 正常的 This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
